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Product Details

Marine Tex TE-KA Teak Wood Cleaner cleans and brightens heavily soiled teak and other fine-wood decks and trim without scrubbing or bronze wool. It removes gray oxidation, oil, fish bloodstains, and residue by a two-step chemical process that is fast, easy, and scrub-free. No sanding is required to restore a beautiful golden teak color.

Available in 3 kit sizes. Kits contain equal amounts of Formula A and Formula B.

Info & Guides
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can TE-KA Teak Wood Cleaner be used on woods other than teak?
    Because it is an aggressive cleaner, it is recommended only for teak. The manufacturer recommends diluting both formula parts by half with water before trying it on other woods. Be sure to test in a small, inconspicuous are first.

    TE-KA spilled on fiberglass or vinyl. What should I do?
    Immediately clean the surface with clean, wet rag. When using TEKA, always keep water on hand. In cases where TE-KA has sat on the surface for extended periods of time, the manufacturer recommends mixing up part B with some toothpaste and scrubbing.

    After finishing, there are visible black marks on the wood. What happened?
    If there are black streaks or marks, it means TE-KA sat on the wood for long, dried to the surface. Let the wood dry, wet and wash again with part A and water. Scrub more than usual, and finish with part B.


    When using a powerful teak cleaner, it is important to protect your eyes and skin. Wear protective glasses and rubber gloves. Prevent cleaner from getting on other surfaces or adjacent areas by masking it off. This is especially important for surfaces like mahogany, metal, fiberglass and painted areas.

    Do not allow TE-KA part A to remain on caulked seams for more than 3-4 minutes before neutralizing with part B. If A spills on fiberglass, painted or other surfaces, neutralize immediately with formula B, then rinse off with plenty of water.

    1. Wet teak deck and surrounding area with water. Apply formula A over wet deck directly from bottle over a 3-4 sq ft area. Spread evenly with a rough pad or low-bristled brush. Do not scrub. When area darkens in a few minutes, brush lightly. Mist water over any area that has dried before applying formula B.

    2. Pour formula B and spread evenly over dark brown area and gently brush loosened dirt out of the grain. Area will lighten to golden yellow. Thoroughly hose area with plenty of water, including run-off area.

    When cleaning teak trim, squirt on a small amount of TE-KA formula A, and spread with a small brush to prevent run-off stains.

    Note: TE-KA is a cleaner only. Once the treated wood has dried, you will need to oil or otherwise protect the wood.

Technical Information

  • TRA-RM340K Quart kit contains 1 pint Formula A, 1 pint Formula B
  • TRA-RM341K 1/2 Gallon kit contains 1 quart Formula A, 1 quart Formula B
  • TRA-RM342K 2 Gallon kit contains 1 gallon Formula A, 1 gallon Formula B