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Circa 1850

Circa 1850 Wallpaper Prep-Coat Primer Sealer

Circa 1850 Wallpaper Prep-Coat Primer Sealer
Product Details

Circa 1850 Wallpaper Prep-Coat Primer Sealer is an acrylic water-based coating used by professional installers to prepare and condition walls. This product eliminates the need to sand glossy surfaces or prime new drywall.

Wallpaper Prep-Coat promotes proper adhesion and prevents seams from opening while helping to eliminate bubbles. It is ideal for both prepasted and unpasted wallpaper. The water-based, low odor formula makes it pleasant to use and easy to clean up with soap and water.

Info & Guides


    1. Remove loose paint, rust, plaster, etc.
    2. Clean the surface with TSP and warm water.
    3. Remove existing mildew with household bleach.
    4. Stir the Prep-Coat until consistent throughout can.
    5. Do not apply below 50°F (10°C).
    6. Apply Prep-Coat with brush, roller, or spray.
    7. Wait 2 hours before applying top coat. Under condition of high humidity or low temperature, additional drying may be required.
    8. Clean up with soap and water.

Technical Information

  • Use on any surface
  • Covers up to 75M (800FT) per 3.78 L (U.S. Gallon)
  • Ideal for prepasted, vinyl, mylar
  • 1 liter size sufficient for hanging 5 to 7 rolls
  • Easy clean up