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Product Details

Vetus rubber exhaust hose meets Lloyd's standards for flexible exhaust hose and has the toughness required to withstand hot exhaust gases from marine engines. Double stainless steel helix braid prevents hose collapse, while smooth bore interior provides a flush and smooth surface to minimize any back pressure. More flexible type of rubber construction makes for easy installation.

Info & Guides
    Exhaust hose is sold in three increments
  1. 6 foot section
  2. 12 foot section
  3. priced per coil.

Technical Information

  • Exhaust hose with Internal Diameter of up to 6 inches has a bending radius of no more than 1.5 x the diameter of the hose.
  • Exhaust hose with Internal Diameter over 6 inches has a bending radius of 2 x the diameter of the hose.